Friday, December 23, 2011

Bailey's new record!

Well, I'm not exactly sure how much a 7-week old baby is supposed to sleep during the night, but our Bailey set her new record the other night. We had a good 9-hours stretch!!! And it was wonderful - Thanks Bay!

Bailey was finally able to meet all of her American cousins last week when we traveled to Southern Indiana to celebrate Christmas with Jeremy's family (and my parents). It was great to see everyone and lots of fun watching the kids around Bailey. I really enjoyed when Calvin was reading one of his favorite books to Bailey while she was laying near the fireplace listening to him.

Here are the recent baby stats:
  • Weight at the last doctor check-up = 11lb 7oz (that was two weeks ago, I'm guessing she's right around 12lb now)
  • Height at the last doctor check-up = 23 1/4 inches (she will soon outgrow her bassinet)
  • Feedings = 7-9 times a day
  • Diapers = she already wears size 2 (I think we go thru about 12-15/day)
  • Tummy time is one of her favorites pastimes! 
  • Development - she holds her head very well; recognizes faces & voices; has big toothless smiles; loves to talk/coo (like her daddy).
  • She's simply a perfect child :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A present for mama at 5 weeks!

Bailey decided to give her mama an awesome present this week - stretch her night sleeping for 6 hours! Whoo-hoo!!! Lately it's been anywhere between 4.5-5 hours, but now she's going even longer. I'm SO thankful that Bailey knows the difference between night and day.

During the day she still eats every 2-3 hours. In the evening Jeremy gets to feed her out of a bottle (our doctor recommended to give a bottle once a day so she's used to it). Between some feedings she sleeps, but more and more she is wide awake. Bailey loves music and when you dance with her, she loves to stare right into your eyes or bright objects, and of course she loves playing with grandma and grandpa - who never want to put her down :) Bailey also loves to talk already, in the mornings and late evenings when we change diapers especially.

My favorite time of the day is when Jeremy comes home in the evening, takes Bailey into his arms, and she starts staring at him. You can see in her eyes she's trying to say "Oh dad, finally, you're home! I missed you today!" It is the sweetest scene because Jeremy has the same look for her.

I started going to work last week, showing a few properties now and then. I feel very strange being out without Bay, almost like I'm missing something for my showing. But I know she's home and well taken care of by my parents - I'm very grateful for them being here and helping us out.