Monday, August 22, 2011

In loving memory...

Bailey's memorial video
Many-many moons ago Bailey and Taylor Moore were my "summer job". I spent every day babysitting those girls, doing all kinds of fun things; we did hair, nails, played with make-up, crafts, cooking, drawings, playing tennis, watched movies and swam at the country club pool. It was probably the funnest job I've ever had in my life!
In July of last year Bailey was diagnosed with A.L.L. Leukemia. She fought cancer for 8 long months with many types of treatments, chemo, drugs, spinal tap, bone marrow transplant, and much more. However, after all that Bailey lost the battle and passed away on March 3, 2010 at the age of 13. 
It was that day that Jeremy and I found out I was pregnant. Independently from each other we thought that if we're going to have a girl we should name her after Bailey. 
So in a few more weeks we will welcome Bailey Lucille Mullins into this world. 

1 comment:

Lena said...

This is so touching!!!
And what a beautiful name!!!