Monday, September 26, 2011

35 week update - aka 30 days left!

It's hard to believe that we only have 30 days left until the due date. It seems like yesterday that I came out of the bathroom not believing my eyes and seeing a little "+" on the pee-stick...and now we're this close...
Last week we received good news from our doctor. First, he confirmed we're having a girl! Hooray! We don't have to repaint our nursery. Most importantly, he confirmed Bailey is no longer breached. I guess at this point the chances of her turning again are pretty slim, so we should be OK for regular delivery...
During the last month Jeremy and I took prenatal classes, offered at our local hospital, in hopes that they will prepare us for what to do with baby B when we bring her home. Unfortunately the nurse-teacher mostly talked about the delivery process and what to expect while at the hospital. We got to tour the OB department, see different types of rooms, and meet a few nurses. After our 6-week class we still don't know what to do once we get home...I guess we'll figure it out when the time comes

 We've been blessed with great friends and family. We've had two baby showers - one in Southern Indiana, and one here at home, and received lots of presents for Bailey, some for me, and even one for Jeremy. We appreciate everyone's generosity! With all of the gifts we are as ready as we possibly can be, now we just have to wait. And try to sleep while we still can :)