Saturday, June 27, 2015

So much fun with daddy!

Miss Balerina Princess Bailey Boo

Since January 2015 Miss Bailey Boo has been taking dance lessons at Astound Dance Academy. Out of all of activities she's tried dance seems to be her favorite one. At the end of the season there was a dance recital and Bailey's class had two dances: she did a great job!
Grandma Judy came to watch Bailey dance

And here's our little Bailey Boo

Long time - no posts!

Wow, it's been a very long time since I updated the world on our lives. So much has happened since then that I don't even know where to begin. Let's see - how about to start with the main reason why I haven't blogged - his name in Ivan Lawrence Mullins. He's an adorable, sweet, funny & precious little munchkin who is also very needy and demanding. Ivan is 22 months old now, and in his short life he managed to accomplish a lot: he's learned how to walk, talk, eat & drink by himself, he can swim in our pool (with a floatie on), he broke his right foot by slipping on a book, he's getting very good at irritating his sister and at the same time both he and Bailey are learning how to play well with each other. There is one thing Ivan has not yet learned how to do - it is to sleep through the night. Occasionally he will tease us with a night or two of sleep, but then the following night he'd be up a couple of times just to remind us that he's still in control.  So, we are struggling with a lack of good sleep, but are hoping for it in the near future.